Archive: December 11, 2024

on homes my experience explained

How To Turn An Old Classic Into A New Seller
You?ve probably heard, maybe even read, Napoleon Hill?s classic ?Think and Grow Rich?.

What if I were to tell you that there are people on the Internet who are making big bucks selling that old classic and not paying a cent in royalties. Every dollar the book makes for them goes directly into their pocket.

These people learned a secret most marketers haven?t discovered. Many old classics, such as Think and Grow Rich, no longer have any copyright protection.

Without changing a word, one person turned the book into a popular course. Another individual placed the book on CDs and is raking in huge profits. Still another person uses quotes from the book to generate interest in his web site.

The possibilities for earning cash with copyright free books are endless.

Are there other classics like this waiting to be rediscovered? You bet! And many are in the public domain, which means they have no copyright protection. You can use them practically anyway you want.

Break them down into courses, lift out portions and use them on your web site as content. You can even edit them and put your own by-line on the revised material.

There are a few problems, of course. It sometimes takes weeks, maybe months, to dig deep enough into public domain files to find just the right book, course or report. And then, if it is a rare book, you might have to shell out a hundred dollars or more to get a copy.

That?s just the beginning. You need to determine if it is truly copyright free, which will probably involve a lawyer fee. Then you have to scan or type the material into your computer for editing, reformatting and perhaps printing. And finally you need to prepare marketing materials, the most important of which is a compelling sales letter.

Whew… that?s a lot of work. Fortunately, I found a way to avoid all this effort which leaves me more time to work on getting sales.

And that?s a big, big secret. You don?t think that the really successful Internet marketers spend time doing a lot of flunky work, do you? Absolutely not! They know that the profits are in sales… not research, not time consuming reformatting, not even writing marketing material such as sales letters.

You may not always get a top marketer to admit this, but they never do anything they can get someone else to do. This leaves them more time for the all important job of creating sales.

What also may surprise you is that they often obtain these services at an amazingly low price.

Begin by looking around. You may find as I did, that no matter what area of Internet marketing you are considering, there is probably an inexpensive service available that will help you get started faster, easier and less expensively than you can do on your own.

Remember the secret of the Internet?s most successful marketers – get others to do as much of the startup work as you can. Save yourself for the all important job of generating sales.

This makes sense… makes time… and makes for success.