In fact I am not really doing the stuff that people are asking me to do, the web site that wanted me to write for them was only interested in stuff like you would read on TMZ. They wanted me to hire a girl from an escort service in Utah County and get her involved in a person that they believed was vulnerable to her charms. Of course just about any of us who are heterosexual would be vulnerable to a girl like this one. I remember the story about Jared Kushner’s father and his uncle. The uncle had snitched on his father so he aimed a high priced call girl at her, videotaped it and then sent the tape to his sister who was married to the snitch. It is not like a normal red blooded American boy is going to run away from a girl who looks like she may have jumped out of the centerfold of a men’s magazine.
Of course I was almost tempted to just take their money and tell them that the scheme had not worked. I was wondering how they would tell that what I had told them was not true. In fact I thought about paying the girl to do what I wanted her to do, which would have been a lot more fun. What they wanted me to do was probably some sort of felony and since you would do it for the purpose of creating some sensational story, then it is a felony where you could be telling the police to come and look at you in the hopes of locking you up for ten to twenty years. I certainly never even considered doing it for a whole list of reasons, most of which involved not needing to give my money to lawyers.