There are many opinions about salesmanship and every company has their own idea of the perfect techniques to use. However, the truth is that there are so many different ways to sell a product that not any one way is right. Instead, each salesperson must find methods that work for him or her. Here are some basic ideas that every salesperson should remember. 1. Know your prospect – It’s important to become acquainted with the customer before selling him a product. By taking the time to observe them and getting to know them better, you will ease their minds. 2. Focus on why they should buy – Find out what they want before attempting to make a sale on just anything. You can then have the advantage of explaining why your product will meet their needs. 3. Sell the benefits, not the product – Salespeople often feel the need to use high-pressure tactics to sell when sometimes the customer is not yet ready to buy. A salesperson needs to let the customer find the benefits of buying a particular product. 4. Never rush the sale or customer – Some people need some time to think about what they really want to do. A rushed customer will feel that you are not truly interested in their needs but are only trying to make a sale. Give the customer time to consider what he wants to do. 5. Know your products – You should know the products of your company very well. You can only sell them a product when you are made aware of their needs. 6. Follow through with promises – If you tell a customer that you are going to do something, then do it. Customers need to see you as being ethical and trustworthy, particularly as you represent your company. 7. Don’t use pressure – Most people won’t tolerate a pushy salesperson. Don’t allow yourself to become a high-pressure salesperson. Rather, let it be their decision, taking as long as they need. 8. Be honest – No one can know all of the answers. If you find that you don’t know the answer to a customer’s question, then ask someone else for assistance. The customer is going to be far more impressed with getting good help rather than someone pretending to know all the answers. 9. Encourage them to act – It’s okay to make logical suggestions to customers. However, it’s important to feel out the situation because if you come on too strong, they will walk away. 10. Always be considerate – We’ve all heard the saying, “The customer is always right.” In order to keep customers happy, it’s best to at least let them think that they got their own way. Becoming a good salesperson takes time. You wil gain experience from your mistakes and learn how to deal with people throughout the day while making sales. Take one day at a time, not becoming discouraged because you will learn how to be a better salesperson!